Mapei’s trajectory in our country dates back to the end of 1991, when the company was established, with its headquarters in Alcorcón (Madrid). One year later, Badalona (Barcelona) hosted the first commercial structure, which was originally limited to promotional work and the introduction of products for the installation of lightweight flooring. As early as 1995, Mapei opened new warehouses in strategic areas such as Palma de Mallorca (1996) and Onda, Castellón (1997).
In 1997 Mapei acquired a production company called Hidro Recubrimientos, specialized in the production of single-layer mortars. After a running-in period, they decided to expand the production plant to enable the production of powder adhesives such as Keraset, Kerabond and Keraflex and, at the same time, to continue production of the single-coat line and the group’s entire range of technical mortars. In 1998, the two companies merged under the name Ibermapei.
At the end of the nineties, in 1999, they inaugurated their factory in Amposta and six years later, in 2005, the one in Cabanillas del Campo (Guadalajara).
At the end of 2000 and following the continuous growth of the company’s structure, Ibermapei’s headquarters moved to Barcelona and, since July 2012, it has been located in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, a town near Barcelona. In 2016, coinciding with the 25th anniversary, the company changed its name to Mapei Spain.

Building, construction, civil engineering, handicrafts | Consumption / do-it-yourself
Acrylics | Adhesive foams | Hot melt adhesives (hot melt) | Others | Polysulfides | Polyurethanes | Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) | Silane modified polymers (SMPs) | Silicones | Solvent-based adhesives | Water-based adhesives | Waterproofing