Alicante, March 2021 – ASEFCA – Asefca joins CEPCO as a partner.
The Spanish Association of Glue and Adhesive Manufacturers (ASEFCA) has become a partner of the Spanish Confederation of Construction Products Manufacturers Associations (CEPCO)The confederation is made up of 21 of the most relevant National Associations of Building Products Manufacturers, each one representing a family of materials.
It also belongs to CPE (Construction Product Europe), CEOE (Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations), CNC (National Construction Confederation), AENOR, AEC (Spanish Association for Quality), CONSTRUMAT (Fira de Barcelona) and CONSTRUTEC (Ifema in Madrid).
For all these reasons Asefca has decided to become a member, in addition to the fact that of the 25 members it currently has, 16 of them are dedicated to the construction sector, which means that this new incorporation within CEPCO makes us create a very strong link between the association and this sector with which we want to grow and work together.